The conference started with our keynote speakers, John and Sherry from Young House Love and I was totally engaged with what they were saying right from the beginning. They were so down to earth, genuine and hilarious! It was fun to hear their story and how they run a successful blog together.

Another one of my favorite classes was taught by Marian (Miss Mustard Seed) She taught an amazing advanced painting class and talked about some of her favorite products. Anyone that reads her blog knows that one of them is Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. This is something that I’ve read all about but have never actually tried myself, so I was excited to see what all of the rage was about. We got to try it out ourselves and let me tell you I fell in love with how easy the application was, really love that you don’t need to prime or sand, and once it was on and buffed a little bit, it felt as smooth as a baby’s bum! Everyone at the conference was given a sample pot and I can’t wait to try mine.
Haven more then exceeded my expectations and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to go and learn what I did, meet new people, make new friendships, and spend time with my sister. I’m already looking forward to next year!